Forget your past, forgive yourself

Saturday, July 30, 2022


Forget your past, forgive yourself


Forget your past, forgive yourself


We all make mistakes. We've all failed at something, or worse, hurt someone we love. But how do you move on from this? How do you forgive yourself and let go of the past so that you can live a happy life now?

How Do You Forgive Yourself?

What are some ways that you can forgive yourself?

First, it's important to understand that you can't change the past. What has happened already has happened and there's nothing anyone can do about it now. It is what it is, so don't beat yourself up for things that are out of your control. Instead, take accountability for how you respond to a difficult situation or experience and make sure that next time around, when faced with a similar situation or experience, you will handle it better than before.

Second, learn from your mistakes so they don’t happen again! Remember this quote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – George Santayana (1863-1952). Think through how decisions were made in the past and consider whether there were other options available at the time but just weren't explored due to fear or uncertainty surrounding those options' potential outcomes; if this is true then look at how these new options would have changed things for everyone involved...and more importantly for yourself too!

Forgive Others

Forgiveness is a choice, not an obligation. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It does not mean condoning the behavior of another. It does not mean allowing someone to hurt you again or letting them off the hook for their actions. Forgiveness means accepting what happened in your life and moving on from it—not because you have to, but because you want to allow yourself peace and happiness. And that feeling of peace and happiness can be yours every day if you choose it!

Stop Worrying About What Other People Are Thinking

Stop worrying about what other people are thinking.

It's okay to care about your friends and family's opinions, but not everyone else. The only thing that really matters when it comes to others' opinions is whether they accept you as you are—and even then, they don't have to be happy with how things turned out in your life. Most of the time, they probably aren't even thinking about you at all!

Stop worrying about what other people are doing.

You can't control what anyone else does or how they live their lives; you only have control over yourself and your own actions. If someone else isn't making the choices that make them happy, it doesn't affect you if those choices involve alcohol or drugs, or staying up late playing video games instead of going to bed early because they're tired (like yours do). All this will do is make it harder for these people who aren't doing anything interesting from seeing any good movies because no one wants to go see them play video games all night long either... so maybe just let them play? It'll be fun for both of us!

Don't Compare Yourself To Anyone Else

The problem is that when we see others doing well, it's easy to look for reasons why we're not. You might think, "My friend got promoted at work and I didn't." Or: "That guy looks great in his new car!" But if you want to be happy, avoiding comparison is essential.

It's important to note here that the comparison doesn't have to be specific or intentional—it can just happen automatically. There are many ways in which this happens: comparing your accomplishments with those of others; comparing your body type with theirs; comparing how much time you spend with friends and family members versus other people (or the lack thereof). If a person has a better job than yours or makes more money than yours, then they're probably living a better life overall than yours—but why? Because they chose different priorities over time? Because they worked harder than you did?

Don't beat yourself up over what other people have chosen for themselves!

Stop Expecting Perfection From Yourself

You are not perfect. You are human. You are unique, imperfect and a work in progress, just like everyone else on this planet. You are not alone.

This is great news because it means you can stop expecting perfection from yourself! When we expect perfection from ourselves, we always fall short of it and feel disappointed with our own performance or abilities, which leads to low self-esteem and self-worth. But when we accept that no one is perfect—even yourself—we're more likely to have healthy relationships with others and feel good about who we are right now instead of waiting for some imaginary future version of ourselves to show up at some point down the road when everything will finally be "perfect".

Own Your Mistakes And Move On

It's time to own up to your mistakes and move on. You are not perfect, and you never will be. So stop trying to be someone else's idea of someone who is perfect. You are human, and as such, you will make mistakes. It's inevitable! The only thing we can really control is how we react to what happens in our lives—and that applies whether you're facing an error or a failure (or both).

The best way forward is forgiveness: forgive yourself for making a mistake or failing at something; forgive others for not being perfect themselves; forgive life itself for sometimes being hard or unfair. Let go of the past so that you can truly live in the present moment—which also means accepting whatever situation has put you here in this point in time, whether good or bad (and yes, even if it's both!).

If there's anything I've learned from taking risks (aka getting hurt), it's that growth doesn't happen unless we allow ourselves room outside our comfort zone--if nothing else than by simply admitting where our boundaries lie!

Learn To Let Go Of Things You Can't Control

The first step to letting go of the past is being able to identify what exactly is dragging you down. Is it a specific event or situation that happened in your life? A mistake you made?

Maybe it's something more abstract, like the fact that you feel like you're not living up to your potential. Whatever it is, try to name it—this will help make moving forward easier because once you admit what's holding you back, recognizing that energy in yourself and around others becomes easier.

Once we've identified our own self-destructive patterns and ways of thinking, we can start realizing how they keep us stuck in our own heads. When we worry about things outside of our control (like other people), we're wasting time on something that doesn't serve us in any way—and yet we do this all day long!

You can move on and live a happy life now.

The point of this article is to remind you that the past is over and done with. You can't change it, but you can control your future.

You can't control other people, but you can control yourself. You are in charge of your own actions and reactions.

You have a choice: if someone hurts or wrongs you, do they get to keep hurting or wronging others? Or will their actions serve as an example for what not to do? The choice has already been made by many people who've gone before us—they chose forgiveness instead of resentment and revenge because they realized those things only hurt them more than anyone else!

But despite all that knowledge, we still find ourselves struggling sometimes not just with forgiving others but even forgiving ourselves...


If you’re struggling with forgiving yourself, then you may feel like there is no hope. But that’s not the case! You are not alone, and it is possible to forgive yourself. The first step is admitting that there is a problem that needs fixing. Next, understand what forgiveness means and why it's important in your life today; without this understanding, your journey toward self-forgiveness will be much more difficult than necessary. Once you've taken these steps toward self-forgiveness—or if they're still ahead of you—then start working on moving forward with your life: forget about what happened in the past and focus on creating something new for yourself instead!


10 things to do when people betray you.

Monday, July 11, 2022

10 things to do when people betray you.

10 things to do when people betray you.


It's easy to be bitter after someone has hurt you. But you don't have to sit on that resentment and let it affect your life for years. Here are some ideas for coping with betrayal, as well as tips for moving forward in a healthy way:

The 4 don'ts.

  • Don't let people make you bitter.

  • Don't let people make you lose faith in people.

  • Don't let people make you lose faith in yourself.

  • Don't let people make you lose faith in the world, or even if they do, don't wallow there for too long; get your butt back out there and find something new to believe in!

It's ok to feel angry about betrayal, but

  • It's ok to feel angry about betrayal.

  • Anger is a normal feeling that connects you with your feelings. It can help motivate you to do something about the situation or change yourself so that you're less vulnerable to being betrayed again in the future.

  • When anger is directed at the wrong person or situation, however, it can turn out badly for everyone involved—especially when it turns into aggression toward others or yourself (e.g., punching walls). In these cases, anger management is essential for keeping your life under control so that there are no negative consequences from expressing this emotion.[1]

Try to take a step back.

It is easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about the big picture. When you are dealing with a betrayal, it is important not to lose sight of what you stand for. By taking a step back, you can gain some much-needed perspective on the situation.

It's also important to keep in mind that there might be more going on than meets the eye; asking questions and seeking out answers will help you better understand why someone may have acted in this way. Try thinking about their motivation or intentions behind their actions; often times these can help explain their behavior more clearly than simply pointing fingers at them would allow

Write down your thoughts and feelings.

When you're going through a traumatic event, it can feel like your mind is constantly running at full speed. You may have a hard time slowing down to think rationally about what's happening and how you feel. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you get them out of your head so they're not constantly running in circles. It can also help you see that many people have been through similar experiences and have come out on the other side stronger than before. Remembering that there are others who've dealt with betrayal or rejection can be very reassuring in times of distress.

Bring in outside perspective.

When you're dealing with betrayal, it's important to surround yourself with people who are on your side. Bring in outside perspective by getting help from a therapist or counselor, asking for advice from a friend or family member, reading books about the topic, and talking to someone who has been through similar situations.

Forgive, but don't forget.

Forgiveness is not forgetting.

Forgiveness can be a good way to move forward with your life, but it doesn't require you to have a relationship with the person who betrayed you. In other words, forgiveness is not the same thing as reconciliation. You can forgive someone and still feel angry at them in private moments. Forgiveness is an act of self-care that allows us to let go of our anger and focus instead on moving forward in our lives without wasting energy on old pain or grudges.

Remember that the past is over, and the present matters most.

  • Focus on the present.

  • Focus on the future?

  • Focus on what you can control, instead of what people have done in the past or are doing now.

  • Make a list of all the things that make you feel good about yourself, then go do them! You have control over your happiness, and no one else does. Remember that sometimes when people betray us it's because they don't know how to help themselves—that doesn't mean they aren't worth our time or friendship!

Remember it's about you, not them.

When someone betrays you, it's natural to feel angry and hurt. But if you really want to move past the betrayal, stop focusing on them and start focusing on yourself.

  • Don't get caught up in thinking about how the other person feels. It doesn't matter if your friend betrayed you because she thought she was doing what was best for both of you, or if your partner betrayed you because he felt trapped by his job or family obligations. What matters is that they did something that hurt YOU—and it's far more important to spend time figuring out how YOU feel than trying to figure out why they did what they did.

  • Don't try to understand why someone would betray your trust or break their word—you simply can't know everything about another person's inner life (or even their outer one). And even if there are explanations for their behavior that make sense from a logical perspective, those explanations won’t change the way betrayal makes us feel: angry, upset and wounded by this violation of our trust in them

Distance yourself from the person who hurt you -- at least for a while.

One of the hardest parts of being betrayed is the desire to speak with the person who hurt you. You may want to confront them, explain why their actions were hurtful, or just get closure so that you can move on. But this is not a good idea while you are still feeling vulnerable and hurt. Even when someone apologizes profusely for their behavior, it's tempting to accept their apology because we want everything to go back to normal between us again. However, if we do this too soon after being betrayed by someone close to us (especially if there has been no apology), it may mean that we're giving up our power over how we feel about what happened and giving control back over our emotions back over them again -- which isn't healthy for either party involved in such situations! So instead of talking things through with them directly yet (or even after some time has passed) try talking about your feelings with another trusted friend or relative who will give advice without taking sides; alternatively seek professional help if necessary so that these conversations don't become overwhelming - especially at first while still processing all emotions involved."

Be open with your feelings if you're comfortable to do so.

  • In an ideal world, you'd be able to tell the person who betrayed you exactly how you feel, and they would apologize sincerely. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case.

  • Instead of bottling up your feelings, express them as soon as possible—even if it's only to yourself or a trusted friend. Talking about what happened can help you heal faster because venting anger and frustration is healthy for the body and mind.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help from others in the aftermath of betrayal either; don't let shame prevent that from happening! Ultimately it's okay if someone else knows that something hurtful happened between the two of you—they'll be there for support when needed most

This is also a good time to reach out to other people who've been through similar situations before and see how they handled things.

This is also a good time to reach out to other people who've been through similar situations before and see how they handled things. They can be a great resource for you as you begin to process what happened and how you want to move forward.

You can recover from difficult situations by working on yourself first, then looking at ways to interact with others again.

Recovering from betrayal is a process. It takes time, and it's not something that you can ignore or forget about until it goes away on its own. But if you know what to do, recovery can be much easier than you think.

First, you have to work on yourself first. Forgive yourself for being vulnerable in the first place and forgive yourself for letting the other person hurt you so badly. Understand that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has flaws—yours included—and then try not to make the same mistake again by treating others with respect in order not to get hurt again as well as setting boundaries around your personal space so no one tries anything funny with your heart again!


It's important to remember that betrayal is a personal thing and can be felt in different ways by different people. The best way to handle the situation is by taking care of yourself, letting go of the past, and focusing on moving forward with life. You deserve happiness and will find it when you find yourself again.


Never abuse someone's trust.


Never abuse someone's trust.

never abuse someone's trust.


I've always believed that trust is a fragile thing, and that we need to treat it with utmost care. I believe that you should never abuse someone's trust no matter what.

Do not take advantage of a person.

  • Do not take advantage of a person's vulnerability.

  • Do not take advantage of a person's trust.

  • Do not take advantage of a person's kindness.

  • Do not take advantage of a person's generosity.

  • Don't use anyone's good nature against them or make someone feel bad about themselves because they have helped you in some way before, no matter how small that help may be - it still counts!

Don't violate the sacred bond of trust.

You can do this by being trustworthy and keeping your word. When you promise to do something, follow through. If you tell someone something in confidence, don’t share that information with anyone else. It takes a lot of trust for people to open up with each other; so when they do that with you, acknowledge it and honor their trust by being trustworthy yourself.

Be mindful of the sacred bond of trust that exists between friends, family members and coworkers. Don’t violate another person's trust in an effort to gain or maintain power over them—it'll only backfire on you in the long run


These are all important points to keep in mind when you're working with a client, whether you're an agency or freelancer. As a freelancer, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and forget that your job is ultimately to serve the client by providing them with quality work and service. But we hope these guidelines will help ensure that everyone has a good experience working together—and that you never abuse anyone's trust again!


Are you happy?

Friday, July 8, 2022


Are you happy?
Are you happy?


Happiness is an elusive feeling, but it can be found when we are living the way that makes us happy. We all want to feel happy, but it's a matter of identifying what makes you happy. If you don't know what makes you happy, take time to figure that out before moving on to other things in your life. The goal isn’t just being happier, but also taking action and doing things that make you happy every day—even if they're small things.

What are our expectations?

Are you happy?

The answer to this question depends on who you ask. If it's yourself, then "sure" or "I guess" might be your response. But if it's someone else asking—maybe a friend or colleague—you might hesitate before answering honestly. Because what seems like a simple question is actually very complicated: What do they mean by happy? Is there such thing as happiness? And if so, why is it so elusive? The truth is that happiness exists within the context of our expectations and those of society at large.

When psychologists talk about people's expectations, they aren't referring simply to what we want but rather how we think things should turn out based on past experiences and cultural narratives about success (or failure). When these expectations are met (or exceeded), we feel good; when they aren't met (or exceeded), we feel bad—and this feeling will affect both your behavior and your emotional well-being over time.

How could you ever be satisfied with what you have?

It's easy to get caught up in what we don't have. The grass is always greener on the other side, and you can't miss what you never had.

But this is where I say that we need to be happy with what we have, because if you're not happy with it, then why would anyone else be? We are all human beings trying to live our best lives. Why not try your best at doing just that?

Contentment and happiness go hand-in-hand.

Happiness is a state of mind, not a destination. That’s what I believe; that is the essence of my life philosophy.

As you may know, I am a very happy person. I have my ups and downs like everyone else but overall, I am happy with life and how it has turned out for me. However, it wasn’t always this way!

I used to think happiness was something you could achieve if only you had enough money or enough time or enough good things happening in your life."

Is it everyone else's fault that you are unhappy, or could some things change?

Is it everyone else's fault that you are unhappy, or could some things change?

If the answer is the latter, consider these questions:

  • How do I act? Am I pleasant and kind to others? Or am I quick to anger and easily annoyed?

  • What are my expectations of myself and others? Am I always doing more than my fair share of work (even though it's not necessary)? Do I expect perfect behavior from those around me (and then get upset when they don't live up to my expectations)?

  • How do my thoughts affect my attitude about life in general and other people in particular. Have I allowed myself to think negative thoughts about other people without questioning their validity - even when these thoughts might not be true at all?

Are all of your relationships healthy?

The relationships you have with those around you are crucial to your happiness. Your friends, family, and significant others provide an outlet for conversation, fun activities, support and encouragement. On the other hand, they can also be a source of stress and pain if they are toxic in any way.

The people who surround you on a day-to-day basis can affect how happy or unhappy you feel on any given day. If there is conflict between these individuals (or those who hold some sort of power over them), it may be affecting how well everyone performs at work or school as well as their overall moods when spending time together outside of those places where they interact regularly

If a key relationship ends, is that the end of happiness for you?

So what if you lose the people around you? You don't need them to be happy. You can be happy without them, and you can also be happy in their presence. If a key relationship ends, is that the end of your happiness? No. Maybe it will take some time to feel comfortable with yourself again (and maybe even longer than expected), but there is no reason why being single has to make you unhappy forever.

You could find that being alone gives you more time for self-reflection, introspection and maybe even self-improvement—which might lead to personal growth and greater happiness later on down the line anyway! It's worth noting here that even if someone does come along later on down the line who loves spending time with us just as much as we love spending time with them: we still need some quiet alone time once in awhile too... so let's not forget about those times either :)

Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone or live life within the boundaries that hold you back from happiness.

The first step to getting out of your comfort zone is taking that first step. I know it’s scary, but you can do it. You have to stop being afraid of failing or what others will think about you if they see who you really are. I know we all like to be liked and accepted by others, but sometimes it’s better for us as individuals if we don’t conform and fit into the mold of what everyone else thinks we should be like.

We need more people willing to show their true selves without fear or embarrassment for who they truly are inside, so go ahead and take that leap! You won't regret it!

Realize what makes you happy and what doesn’t, and then do the things that make you happy.

Realize what makes you happy and what doesn’t, and then do the things that make you happy.

Start by making a list of what makes you happy, and then make a list of things that don’t make you happy. Then cross out the ones in the second list that can be eliminated from your life, or at least minimized. Do this until there are no more items left in either list—then keep doing it!

Stop waiting for happiness! Do not postpone your happiness for some future date because life is short, unpredictable and uncertain.

What happens when you put off happiness? Nothing good. Studies show that the more we delay our happiness, the longer it takes to achieve and the more painful it becomes. We often put off happiness because we want to be certain of achieving it before we act; however, this can lead to unhealthy behaviors like compulsive thinking and feeling guilty about your past decisions. It's important to remember that no one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes! If you've made a mistake in your life but have tried everything in your power to fix it, then don't beat yourself up over it! Instead, learn from the experience so that you won't repeat past mistakes again later on down the road.

Happiness comes from taking action and doing things that make us happy and doing them often.

Happiness is a choice. It’s not something that happens spontaneously, but rather it is something we create through our own actions. Happiness isn’t some faraway place where you have to go and live; it’s right here in your life, waiting for you to recognize it and take action!

Happiness is an important part of being healthy, as well as having a positive outlook on life. The more you focus on being happy, the easier it will be for this state of mind to occur naturally under all circumstances. While there are certain things that can make us happy (such as having friends or family), the most important factor contributing towards our joyfulness is ourselves - our attitudes towards life and all its challenges can help us achieve what we desire most out of existence: peace of mind!


If you have a hard time finding happiness in life, then it may be time to take a look at what is holding you back. It could be that your expectations are too high or unrealistic or that you aren’t taking action towards achieving those goals. Happiness comes from taking action and doing things that make us happy and doing them often.