Stop Entertaining The Wrong People

Friday, February 1, 2019

Stop Entertaining The Wrong People

Allowing the wrong people to thrive in your life is like an infection slowly being introduced to an otherwise healthy and happy life just gearing up to destroy everything at a moments notice. These kind of people need to be let go no matter how hard it is.

Stop entertaining people who are only trying to bring trouble into your life. Always look at the actions of a person and be ready and willing to move against them. Think about it, why are these negative people still occupying space in your life? Sometimes you just have to know when it's time to free up some space in your life so you can fit in more happiness with the right kind of people. If you notice something awry, you have to be swift and cut them off immediately.

Don't let people infect your life for a second more. It's time to get well and it's time to move on

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