- The thing about all good relationships is that it requires you to love and to be loved by someone who is without judgement, But for that to be possible one has to have a deeper understanding of what true acceptance really is. And that's a true rarity in this world.
- Its ok to get annoyed but its not ok to STAY annoyed. Let it go for the sake of the relationship. forgiveness is paramount.
- Take the time to listen and understand one another on a deeper level. Intimacy comes in many different shapes and forms.
- Take the time to get a better understanding of each other's sexual needs. Bad sex will ruin a relationship before you know it so be vocal about what you want and be an avid listener to the needs of your partner and expect the same in return.
- Pay attention to each other and always have an eye for the small details. When you are having a conversation immerse yourself in what your partner is saying and expect nothing less from them. Nobody wants to feel ignored.
- Make your partner feel important. In fact make them feel like they are the only being in the universe alongside you. and make sure they reciprocate the feeling.
- Body language can be subtle but it is up to you to be able to notice those small changes be sure to take the time to peer deeper.
- Always support your partner. Always offer that helping hand and be willing to accept it from your partner too. Support is one of the reasons a relationship can weather so many storms in this life. So support one another through the good and the bad.
- Sit down and talk about what you two want out of life and get on the same page. A relationship will never work if you are going in two separate directions.
- Always make space for alone time. No matter what else is going on a relationship can only work if you two are always working in harmony. You have got to feed the fire.
- Do not use each others faults or insecurities as a weapon in an argument. disagreements happen in every relationship but that does not mean you forget that you are ultimately a team, strike too hard and you may mortally wound the relationship.
- The Good times with each other should always outweigh the bad at the end of the day.
- Move on from selfish ways of thinking its no longer just about you or just about your partner. Its about the *relationship between you two*. This connection is not just about one person, but two.
- Do not suffocate each other and leave some room to breathe and to grow. Too Much of anything is usually a bad thing. All things in moderation.
Master these few skills and watch how well your relationship can flourish.
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