Trying to turn a man/woman into a peasant will not make you a King/Queen

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to grow together as a couple.
 When things go wrong in a relationship the possibility of fixing it will always be present but if you have to constantly repair the same issues over and over again the emotional and physical cost begins to rise higher and higher, and once that cost begins to outweigh the benefits of the repair. moving on might just be the best course of action find someone who isn't so prone to needing repair.

 Sometimes no matter how hard you try to make things work some people in a relationship just do not mesh, and as you cannot *force* two different puzzle pieces that do not fit to form the right picture, you definitely will not be able to force a relationship to go in the right direction if the compatibility is just not there.You cannot force a relationship to work out.

A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to grow together as a couple. In any relationship similarities and differences will without a doubt become apparent and with that being said, one should relish in the similarities within the relationship but do not forsake the differences just yet because they can sometimes become way for you and the one you love to explore new things together (who knows those very differences might become new similarities!).  
A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to grow together as a couple.

There are indeed two sides to every emotion. If you reward your lovers positive attitude with gratitude, they will present that same feeling again to you (and if they don't they are definitely not the *one*).
Showing others who one really is without exaggeration or deception is paramount in any good relationship.

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